Celebrity or average Joe, driving while drunk is a serious offense. Justin Timberlake shows remorse

Timberlake will be required to make a public service announcement about the dangers of driving impaired, pay a $500 fine with a $260 surcharge, complete 25 hours of community service at the non-profit of his choice — which Timberlake said he “would be honored to” do — and have his license suspended for 90 days. The singer, who is married to actress Jessica Biel, 42, with whom he shares sons Silas, 9, and Phineas, 4, was arrested in Sag Harbor, N.Y., on June 18 and charged with driving while intoxicated and received two citations for running a stop sign and failure to keep in lane. The post Celebrity or average Joe, driving while drunk is a serious offense. Justin Timberlake shows remorse appeared first on Senior News Daily.

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